Openinghours: Monday - Friday 7am -8pm • (03 91) 503 66 17 •
More than Function, more than Movement
Our holistic therapeutical work follows our self-chosen mantra "Function in Harmony." This mantra is guiding us when we look for the best treatment from Physiotherapy and Ergotherapy to serve the individual patient. You move with us and we move you when you suffer from rheumatic or orthopaedic illnesses. You learn how to cope (again) motorically with daily life for example after suffering from a stroke and neurological impairment or living with inherent neurological problems. Since 2006 we keep our modern physiotherpeutical and ergotherapeutical office in Magdeburg - focusing on neurological, othopaedical and rheumatic symptoms. Our office has got the name "Mittelpunkt - Center" because we are always aware of our patients and their needs. They are the focus of our daily work.

The Team of Mittelpunkt Physiotherapy and Ergotherapy Center
A fundamental education and permanent training are the basis of our well-trained team. Our holistic approach in every treatment also means a very close cooperation with medical specialists in Neurology, Orthopaedics and Rheumatology. We chose from various recognized treatments and methods exactly these which fit with our patient. Children and adults get an individually fitting therapy course.
Main Focus of our Work in the Mittelpunkt Physiotherapy and Ergotherapy Center
We treat symptoms and illnesses of the extremities and the spine as well as lymphedema and neurological symptoms. We apply the classical Manual Therapy as well as Lymph Drainage, teach Medical Gymnastics and trust the Bobath Concept.
Our Office
Look forward to our friendly and brigthly decorated treatment rooms and your individual treatment. Our qualified team is always keen on answering every single question or care for a concern which might arouse from your side.
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