Physiotherapy is the Natural Alternative against Pain and Neurological Impairments
The core of Physiotherapy is made of various externally working treatments which help to get rid of physical functional disturbances in a natural way. Physiotherapy cannot only reestablish physical functions, it also does a lot to fight pain no matter of the pain's underlying root. Rheumatic symptoms as well as neurological ailments respond well to Physiotherapy. A very strong cooperation with orthopaedical medical specialists as well as neurological and rheumatological medical experts is self-understood.
Physiotherapy and Medical Gymnastics as Basics
Medicals Gymnastics are one of the basic pillars of daily physiotherapeutical routine. This natural form of therapy with or without supporting gadgets aims at the restoration of special functions after an injury or stroke. Acute and chronical pain treatment benefits from Medical Gymnastics as well especially when centered in the joints and the spine. Medical Gymnastic can also be applied to prevent false posture and one-sided workload of the locomotor system from the very beginning. Medical Gymnastics are combined with a variety of treatments from Manual Therapy.

Physiotherapy and Neurological Disorders
Neurological symptoms often result in disfunctions of certain physical abilities for example after a stroke which damaged the central nervous system. We focus on treating such symptoms here in the Mittelpunkt Physiotherapy and Ergotherapy Center in Magdeburg. Physiotherapeutical treatments in that range go for a restoration of disfunctions and a rooted coordination of movement. We apply the Bobath Concept in first place, supported by Lymph Drainage and the Functional Movement Training. Also children with inherent neurological problems benefit al lot from the Bobath Therapy.

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